1 – Healthy eating

Food has a great impact on our health, in fact we are what we eat. Imagine your body as a temple, if you only consume industrialized products your temple starts to get fragile. Because you are not consuming the necessary nutrients to keep it active.

With a healthy diet you can maintain the proper functioning of your body, preventing even a possible heart attack . Make more conscious choices and start consuming healthier foods. Your body thanks you!

2 – Physical activity

Our body was not “made” to stand still, it needs to move. The absence of physical activity over time cause joint pain, inflammation and other ailments. Many people use the excuse that they don’t like the gym environment and therefore don’t practice any activity.

However, there are other ways to exercise your body. Make it a habit to stretch in the morning and if you spend most of the day sitting, stretch during the day. Practicing a sport, running, taking short walks and even practicing yoga can contribute a lot to strengthening your health.

3 – Relationships

Even among the people we love, it’s normal for some disagreements to happen. Having a good interpersonal relationship is important for our life.

If there are points that bother you, try to talk and resolve. Send a message or ask that dear friend out, spend more time with your family and friends. Nurturing these relationships will make you feel more comfortable and safe to talk about the things that bother you. In addition to creating a more loving environment among all.

4 – Sleep well

For many, 24 hours is not enough time to get everything done and because of that, they end up staying up all night or sleeping less than necessary. The body needs to have a moment of rest, so that it can process the day and also provide a moment of relaxation.

If you have trouble sleeping and suffer from insomnia, for example, try creating a small routine. Start going to bed at the same time, listen to relaxing music hours before going to bed, write down on paper what is keeping you awake. Gradually, these small changes will make you able to rest and wake up refreshed the next day.

5 – Hobby

Sometimes work is stressful, as is the day-to-day rush. When this occurs, it often ends up becoming a snowball of tension. In these moments having an escape activity can help.

Find an activity that you enjoy doing and that brings you peace, happiness and tranquility. Choose one day during the week or try to do it every day. At that moment you will be able to relax and relieve excessive concern, resuming balance.

6 – Medical check up

Health is the main factor to have a good quality of life. Going to the doctor regularly is one way to keep your body in top working order. When we only see a doctor when physical symptoms arise, we may face longer treatment.

When carrying out the “check up”, we have an overview of our health, in addition to being able to act preventively or at the beginning of an illness. Talk to your doctor about the tests that need to be done and the periodicity.

7 – Learn something new

Take courses and read about different subjects, especially those that are outside your comfort zone. This attitude will make you have a more open mind and improve your intellectual capacity.

8 – Leisure time

Your life doesn’t need to follow the flow of work and home it’s important that you can have leisure time, even if it’s small. Enjoy your own company and go to the movies, invite some friends out, try something new, in short, there are countless possibilities.

By creating these moments of leisure, you will have more confidence and peace of mind to solve problems and carry on with your day to day.

9 – Organization

We often have an anxiety crisis because we can’t visualize what we need to do. Having organization and planning helps us achieve our personal goals, as well as stimulates our productivity.

Choose a day of the week to plan the next few days and make it a habit. You don’t need to detail what you’re going to do, start with a prioritization list and adapt according to your needs. Another suggestion is to always keep your home and work environment organized. Believe me, this will make you have even less moments of stress.

10 – Meditation

You are taking care of your physical body, your personal relationships, having more moments of leisure and happiness, but what about your mental health? There are times when we are so focused on a single area or situation that we forget about our emotional, mental well-being.

One way to take care of our “inner self” is through meditation. Practice has essential benefits for our quality of life, such as anxiety relief, stress reduction, stimulates concentration and focus, among others.