Top 10 tips to combat stress

There are some attitudes and changes we can make in our daily lives to fight stress, change routines and create new healthier habits that will improve our lives:

1. Connect with others

Having a circle of friends is critical to your well-being. More than just colleagues, you need friends, with whom you feel good and can trust. May they be the people you laugh and cry with. With whom you open up and with whom you are genuine.

2. Maintain positivity

Be upbeat and positive! This does not mean ignoring life’s sorrows and difficulties. Positivity can and should become a habit. In addition, positive people attract a good environment around them, greater motivation and lightness  for life.

3. Exercise

Exercises help to maintain endorphin levels, and therefore reduce stress . You can choose different shapes. From going to the gym, running in the park or on the wall, or simply adopting the habit of walking to work.

4. Help others

According to several studies, when we do good to someone we are also doing ourselves.

Volunteers, for example, tend to have less anxiety and increase their longevity, which is reflected in lower rates of depression. There are simple gestures in everyday life that can contribute to our well-being, such as smiling at a stranger, calling a friend we haven’t seen in a long time, helping someone on the street or giving directions to a tourist in the city. In a work environment, we can help a colleague to perform a task. Difficult? I don’t think so!

5. Sleep well

It is essential for a good rest, to have a good night’s sleep. It is essential for general well-being and therefore for reducing stress and anxiety . Watch your sleep well. If you are unable to get a calming sleep without interruptions, seek help from a professional.

6. Cheer up life

Bring your life to life! There are many ways to do this. What makes you lose track of time? Dancing, going out with friends, walking on the beach, gardening, going to the movies or the theatre, painting, playing a musical instrument… and laughing, laughing a lot! Well, laughter is definitely good medicine.

Enjoy life and make it fun by doing what you enjoy!

7. Eat well

Experts argue that the gut is the second brain It is there that the body produces the greatest amount of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates mood, sleep, appetite, heart rate and body temperature.

So, if possible, avoid processed foods as much as possible. Get into the habit of eating seasonal and fresh foods . Have fixed times whenever possible for meals. Eating slowly and appreciating food is also a good practice that you should acquire. After all, it’s a good time to rest, relax and take a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

8. Find a meaning for life

The quest for meaning is often something we seek to find our entire lives. The need for a connection to something. The way a person sees himself and expresses his purpose. When we understand our purpose well, everything makes more sense and stress levels can reduce considerably. And so, we focused on what really makes sense, balancing our lives.

9. Watch yourself

Pay attention to the physical and emotional reactions you have throughout the day, in different situations and environments. Whether at home or at work. If you are losing control, pay more attention to yourself and the situation in which the loss of control occurred. And if possible take a deep breath and calm down. Gain awareness and control the situation.

10. If it doesn’t work, seek professional help

If you are at a point where you need help, turn to a professional who can guide you at this stage. Sometimes they are life situations that we are not prepared for, such as a separation or divorce, a loss, or something that we still do not know how to identify. Don’t hesitate to ask for help!



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