7 exercises to get rid of belly fat

Whether for health or aesthetics, knowing and practicing exercises that help reduce belly sagging can be a crucial step towards regaining your well-being and self-esteem.

Belly sagging happens because of low muscle tone and a high percentage of fat. However, regardless of the reason and the bad habits that result in a flabby belly, the good news is that it is possible to reverse this situation.

To treat, avoid or end this problem, it will be necessary to combine a balanced diet with an exercise routine to burn the sagging belly.

In this article, we have brought a list of seven exercises indicated for this type of fat and abdominal flabbiness. By following this list of exercises and maintaining a healthier lifestyle, it will be possible to end the feeling of discomfort when looking at your belly in the mirror.

7 exercises for flat stomach

1. Sit-ups

The first exercise on our list is the sit-up, a well-known exercise that, when done properly, lives up to its fame, helping considerably in the process of burning abdominal fat .

After all, it effectively works the upper part of the rectus abdominis (front area of ​​the abdomen made up of the large muscle).

To enhance the effect of movement, an alternative is to add an external weight, such as a plate. Thus, obtaining a greater intensity, it is not necessary to do a very long series to reach your goals.

2. Abdominal knife

The jackknife sit-up is a high-intensity, compound exercise. To execute it, it is necessary to raise the upper part of the torso, at the same time as the legs – as if you were literally opening and closing a switchblade.

This movement focuses on the medial portion of the rectus abdominis, that is, the center of the belly, indicated for toning the abdomen.

3. Leg raises

At this point, you must have realized that to get rid of the sagging belly, you need to work the entire abdominal area, right?

This exercise is very important, as lifting the legs works the lower part of the rectus abdominis, where the belly tends to be more flaccid and tends to sag.

To perform the movement, you will need to lie down, place your hands next to your body, close to your buttocks and propel your legs towards your hips, going up and down. To increase the intensity of the exercise, lower your legs until you reach the ground without touching it.

4. Sit-ups on the high pulley

This type of exercise, the sit-up on the high pulley, is usually part of a more advanced workout, as it requires equipment found in gyms. In addition, the movement requires some experience to perform.

However, with care and supervision of a professional in the area, it should be used to treat sagging belly.

As the name suggests, to perform this exercise you will need to use a high pulley. Therefore, it is not possible to perform it using only body weight. After all, the exercise has an external load to enhance its results.

5. Oblique on the high pulley

The abdominal region is made up of the rectus abdominis, as you know by now. This is a large muscle, located in the central part of the belly, which makes up the region with other smaller muscles, such as the oblique muscles, located on the sides of the abdomen.

Thus, exercises aimed at belly flabbiness must, in the same way, contemplate these other muscles in the abdominal region. The oblique performed on the high pulley works precisely the oblique muscles.

The objective of the exercise is to eliminate the accumulation of fat and define the lateral region of the body and, for this result to be achieved, do not forget to train both sides and ensure a good lateral inclination.

6. Oblique on the bench

The oblique on the bench has the same purpose as the previous exercise, that is, it is another alternative for working the lateral muscles of the belly, consequently reducing abdominal flaccidity.

As in the previous movement, it will be necessary to make use of an auxiliary object, in this case an inverted bench, present in gyms.

7. General training

The seventh and final exercise is more of a recommendation than a specific movement: have a training routine that contemplates the whole body. That is, it is also necessary to focus on general training, which includes other muscle groups.

Think about it this way: what’s the point of doing all the exercises on this list and forgetting about the rest of your body? Your entire body needs to be trained in order for your tone, fitness and appearance to improve.

In addition to working other muscle groups, an aerobic workout is also indicated, see?

To close this list, a tip: don’t do all the exercises recommended for sagging belly in the same workout. The ideal is to intersperse them, two of them in each workout to start feeling the results.

How to get rid of belly fat?

This is a problem that affects men and women around the world. To resolve this situation and transform the aesthetic appearance of a flabby belly, you will need to maintain a balanced diet and have a specific training routine for this purpose, that is, exercises to lose belly fat .

One piece of advice is to understand that the process that involves the goal of a “harder” belly is a long one. After all, a flabby belly doesn’t turn into a flat belly overnight, work is hard and there’s no such thing as magic, ok?